Lots of Thai dishes are stirfrys made of anythign and EVERYTHING you could possibly imagine. Yesterday we made two different ones for dinner along with omelette [didn't I say they eat omelette all the time?] and rice... of course.
So, first I will give you a run down of how to make a Thai stir fry and then I'll write what we put in each of the three we have made in the past few days [for examples].
1. Pour some oil into a wok [usually we we just use the same wok we used for the omelette and the leftover oil in there is enough].
2. Toss in your meat and fry it until it's nice and cooked
3. Add your vegetables [you may have to cook them halfway first by boiling, depending on what vegetable you use]
4. Add soy sauce, soy bean sauce, oyster sauce and sugar
5. Add a little bit of water
6. Voila - you are finished!!
MEAT - pork
VEGETABLE - baby corn, broccoli, carrot
ADDITIONAL - garlic [add before the vegetables but after the meat]
MEAT - pork [I don't eat beef in Thailand so my host family always eats pork]
VEGETABLE - green beans [need to be boiled first]
MEAT - pork
VEGETABLE - [none]
ADDITIONAL - chili peppers, garlic, Thai herb [I don't know the english name]
The long and stimulating adventure of trial and error, understanding and
transition has come to an end; today I leave the Land of Smiles.
Thailand is my L...
15 years ago